Effects of Stress on Wellbeing

Health is an oxymoron of sorts, since it is defined as “the condition of being healthy”. It is essential to have good health to enjoy the richness of life. Health is a state of mental, physical and social well being where infirmity and disease are absent. There are many factors that contribute to the quality of health. These include:

A good physical environment is essential to good health. A healthy physical environment is a place where there is minimal environmental pollution, good air quality, and where physical ailments can be easily cured. The state of overall health is influenced by changes in the lifestyle choices of individuals. Lifestyle choices include exercise, diet, and the consumption of health products such as food, water, and shelter. Change in the dietary patterns such as switching from eating foods rich in fat to those rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals helps improve the health of an individual.

Likewise, changes in the psychological health such as experiencing positive emotions such as happiness, having fun, avoiding stress, and feeling confident about one’s self help a person to attain a good mental health. However, these changes do not solely affect the physical aspect of well-being. In order to attain a good mental health, an individual needs to adopt a healthier lifestyle as well. A healthier lifestyle includes a regular intake of health products including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and consuming less alcohol. This will increase the body’s ability to fight illnesses such as heart ailments, diabetes, arthritis, and high blood pressure.

Illness is often the result of a poor lifestyle and poor habits. According to research, almost half of the illnesses that people experience are caused by poor lifestyle, such as tobacco and alcohol abuse, obesity, and lack of physical activity. To prevent illness, an individual should adopt a good physical habit such as exercise, diet, and physical activity. These habits are proven effective in fighting heart diseases, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, and other chronic illnesses. However, if these habits are not followed, ill-health could develop.

Another important factor that contributes to ill-health is stress. Stress has been known to contribute to several health conditions including heart disease, depression, and various mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, and psychosis. As a result, individuals living in developed countries are more likely to be exposed to high levels of stress as a result of a higher level of technological development, globalization, and rapid changes in the work structure. Such factors include a fast-paced environment, high levels of workload, unemployment, and lack of social support.

High levels of stress have also been associated with many diseases and health problems, such as obesity, depression, and an increased risk of heart disease, insomnia, and dental problems. Fortunately, a healthy lifestyle can help to prevent many health problems. The best way to get rid of stress is through a healthy diet and regular exercise. A physically active lifestyle has been found to be associated with a decrease in stress and an increase in physical health. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help to reduce the incidence of many health problems and lower the risk of developing a number of serious illnesses and diseases.