A holiday is an day set aside for public enjoyment by government or custom where normal daily activities, particularly work or school including church, are temporarily suspended or completely reduced. In general, holidays are meant to let people to commemorate or celebrate an occasion or tradition of religious or cultural importance. It is not uncommon to see children going to school on Christmas or Halloween, and the same thing goes for adults going to the movies, listen to music concerts or go out for dinner. Holidays are also a period of social expression and social interaction, as well as relaxation. Here are some of the top 5 most popular holidays in the United States:
The national holiday of Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year, with many people flying into the major cities just to attend church, shop, or visit relatives. There are also many people who travel halfway across the country or world just to take advantage of Christmas shopping sprees. On the other hand, the summer holidays give many people a chance to spend time with friends and family, and these are also popular with those from other countries. Some popular summer holidays include Independence Day in the US, Saint Patrick’s Day in Ireland, Easter in the western world, and Mother’s Day in the US.
Thanksgiving Day, the first Thursday in November, is also a popular holiday in the US. Thanksgiving provides the first night of formal education for many students. Other popular holidays associated with Thanksgiving Day include Christmas, which falls on December 25, and Hanukkah, which falls on March 7. There are also several mid-term holidays such as Good Friday, which falls on October, and Veterans Day, which falls on November 15.
Some European countries have their own version of a national holiday, such as the continent-wide festival of St. Patrick’s Day. In other regions of the world, the name for the holiday is taken from a geographic region. For example, the islands of Jamaica and Bermuda each have their own St. Patrick’s Day. The festivals that fall under this category include Asada in Japan, Galapagos Islands, and Tonga, all of which commemorate the unique celebration of the islands’ original inhabitants.
China has a diverse range of traditional cultural holidays. Chinese New Year, for example, falls on February 14. The most popular Chinese festivals include the four-day New Year Celebration, which celebrates longevity and good fortune; the Spring Festival which falls on April fifth; and the Autumn Festival, which falls on September first. In addition, each region of China has its own unique customs and traditions, including the use of lanterns to mark the passage of days and the use of the Chinese dragon to bring good luck and fortune to people.
The world’s oldest holiday, the Chinese New Year, falls on February 14. It traditionally commemorates the beginning of the new year. This is one of the biggest celebrations in China and sees millions of people participating in various activities. Throughout February the streets are filled with colorful decorations and banners. It is one of the biggest parties and gatherings in China. On the evening of the third day of the festival, fireworks are set off to frighten away evil spirits and celebrate the joys of spring.