A Funniption of the Theory of Laughter

In our increasingly “go green” society, it’s hard to avoid the use of “funny” and “clever” in everyday conversation. The reason for this is that a funny line or phrase can bring a laugh and lighten up a tough situation. When used in the right situation, a clever comment can lead to a sincere understanding. But unfortunately, many people use these words incorrectly–they say something that’s offensive or meaningless when they actually mean something positive.


Synonyms: humorous, funny, silly, off-color, odd, out of the normal, unexpected, outrageous, wit. A prime example of a common synonym is “nut” (a small nut that pops up in otherwise normal or “carefree” situations); another is “cunt,” an archaic past tense form of the verb “to crack.” A perfectly appropriate humorous quotation could be “The new definition of the word ‘nuts’ is: any cheap, insignificant, but entertainingly odd bit of advice which, though not intended to make anybody laugh, nevertheless gets repeated without correction.” Another well-known funny quote is “You can drive yourself crazy trying to find a good joke, but there are so many good jokes in the dictionary that you’ll never be able to make any new ones”.

Even if you’re trying to think of a witty reply to a funny situation, it’s best to come up with your own original idea, rather than copying someone else’s joke. People have funny thoughts all the time; when you’re in company with someone else, let them enjoy those thoughts and have them make a mental note of them. Once you’ve found a really good one, pass it along with a smile. Everyone loves a good joke, and even if you can’t bring up a witty response to a situation, sharing a comical idea with someone else is itself an act of laughter. You may not realize how much you’re enjoying it until the next morning, when you’re surprised by how funny you found the suggestion.

There are lots of real-life examples of funny things said by people. People have long known that a wise man can think something funny when the circumstances are right. For example, one popular saying is “If you want something done right, do it yourself”. On the other hand, “Do what you hate to do” would be an appropriate response to an idiotic act done by another person. The first example points to the ability of the human mind to move beyond the expected and find a reaction that makes the rest of the world laugh.

The second theory of the relation between humor and behavior explains why some people are just naturally funny and others are not. Physiology has a part in this process. People with large cheekbones and a wide, flat mouth tend to have more difficulty making and enjoying humor. Other characteristics that can affect the ability to see and appreciate humor include the shape of the face, the proximity to the eyes, the proximity to the mouth, and the proximity to the nose, all of which affect the perception of humor and thus the ability to create and enjoy it.

Overall, this is a fun theory that helps explain someone’s enjoyment of being funny. It also explains why some people are just naturally funny and why other people struggle mightily to find and attempt to share humor. We should all remember that humor is often contagious and that sharing a funny moment with a friend or family member can brighten everyone’s day!