The Preferred Spellings of America’s Most Common Road Signs and Road Maps


The Preferred Spellings of America’s Most Common Road Signs and Road Maps

Traveling is the act of moving from one place to another. Travel can be done by automobile, bicycle, foot, bus, plane, train, horseback, bicycle, car or other mode of transport, with or without luggage and is one-way or round trip traveling. A few people travel for business or pleasure while many others travel as tourists. Businessmen and women have a greater tendency to travel than do family travelers or vacationers. The one- or round-trip traveling is more common in metropolitan areas than in rural areas.

The preferred spelling of the word “traveling” is often lost in American English. Some British English speakers may spell the word with either “travel” or “journey” and usually choose the former spelling. In British English, “traveling” is usually spelled as “druiking” and “telegraphing”. In Australia and New Zealand, however, “travel” is more commonly spelled as “journeys” and “thees”. One British writer has made the unusual suggestion, “The words traveling and journeys are interchangeable”. In Canada, the more common spelling is “journall” whereas “travel” is more common in the South Pacific and the United States.

American English has developed its own spelling conventions. As in British English, the most common spelling for “traveling” is “travel” while the less frequent spellings are “thees” and “journeys”. Many Americans prefer the word “journeys” over “thees” and “the” because it is easier to recognize the journey in the phrase than “a journey”. Many authors from the 20th century have used the term “journeys” in travel writings. For example, Jack Kerouac used the term “journeys” frequently in his novels and writings.

In United States English, the less common spellings are “the”, “road” and “way”. The less-common “ways” is often used when describing non-urban traveling and is sometimes used instead of “trails”. The most common spelling in United States English for travelling is “road”. Some authors, such as Mark Twain, use “road” to describe a journey through the Great Depression.

As in British English, American tourists frequently refer to a drive in the country rather than a road trip. British English speakers would likely spell the word “drive” as “drip” or “dripster”. Some American tourists do spell the word “drive” differently, such as “driven away” or “driven away in the pouring rain”. The usage of these different spellings may be related to the fact that the United States has not yet developed its own version of the bullet.

In general, there is no hard and fast rules about the correct British spellings of words used on American soil. One thing that is assumed, however, is that any new people coming to America would learn our language. This could be an important factor when deciding which spelling is most commonly used. A new influx of immigrants from Britain may find the current spelling of many words hard to learn. Spelling may eventually become more of a settled issue as American children of British decent begin to speak their own language.

Public Holiday Observation in Britain


Public Holiday Observation in Britain

A holiday is a day set apart by law or custom, where normal everyday activities, particularly work or school including church, are either suspended or totally reduced. In most cases, such holidays are meant to let people celebrate or remember an occasion or tradition of social or spiritual importance. For instance, Christmas is celebrated with great joy and happiness around the world whereas Valentine’s Day is devoted to love and romance. Holidays remind us that we should enjoy the good times and leave the routine routines behind.

Most countries have their own version of the national holidays; however, in the US, most states do not have official holidays designated by the government. These unofficial holidays can be celebrated by anybody including children, students and employees in local schools, churches, synagogues, and in the office workplace. There are also major public holidays and some states have statutory holidays which are legal and recognized all over the US. In most cases, these public holidays, like Thanksgiving, Flag Day and Halloween, are observed mostly on the second weekend in November. The government holiday, which is considered to be the most popular in the US is the national Thanksgiving.

The most common and favorite holidays observed around the world include Christmas, Easter, New Year’s, thanksgiving, and Hanukkah. However, there are many other traditions which also deserve mention such as St. Patrick’s Day (which is celebrated February 14), Mother’s day, Father’s day and Valentine’s day. Many countries observe some of the special religious meanings of their festivals such as fasting day, Buddha’s birthday, harvest day and other holidays. Although not officially recognized by the government, these religious holidays have great significance to believers. They allow individuals, families and groups to observe their religious symbolism in their own way and to share in the community with other individuals who also have the same meaning of the holiday.

Some of the most popular holidays which are regularly observed around the world include Chinese New Year, Good Friday, Christmas and New Year’s Day. China observes a special Spring Festival, a celebration of the Chinese lunar calendar and Chinese traditional festivals such as the lunar New Year. Brazil observes Brazilian carnivals such as the Carnival and soccer festivals. All these holidays encourage individuals to observe their culture and to share in the general celebrations of the country.

Even with the implementation of new laws by many states to prevent discrimination of employees on the basis of their religion, many employers still follow the practice of having regular church or synagogue meetings to observe the legal holiday. Many employers provide breakfast and lunch at work for employees to show respect and observance of the holiday. In addition, many restaurants and cafe’s provide a free coffee for their customers on the weekends and in the mid-morning. Many hotels in major cities also hold religious services either on the weekends or during the mid-morning.

The government in Britain also recognizes the importance of maintaining the tradition of holiday observances among the population. On British public holidays, children are encouraged to take part in the various traditions of the holiday and parents are encouraged to send children to school on Bank Holidays. A majority of local councils in Britain also restrict the posting of photographs on the walls of houses and block the displaying of any commercial advertisements on the streets on Bank Holidays.