Does Joke Affect You?

When people think of funny they often think of one thing: laughter. Laughter is the best medicine, other than drugs, and perhaps every other cure. It is a fact that the more you laugh, the better you feel. But is there any connection between laughter and funny bones? Have a look for a minute…


Humor is good for you, if it is natural, clean, and doesn’t result in any negative or unhealthy effects. Laughter can be infectious, so if you are having a good time with some friends, don’t turn your back on them, and keep cracking jokes and giving them good times, you may share the laughter and experience the instant relief from stress caused by a good laugh. Laughter can be contagious causing amusement or even laughter. Laughter is sometimes the best medicine, other than drugs, for those who suffer from serious mental health problems, such as depression, schizophrenia or post traumatic stress disorder.

So what is funny anyway? We all have a sense of humor, whether we consciously know it or not, and we find things funny whenever we see, hear, read, or feel something funny. Some cultures seem to have a sense of humor that is unique among human cultures, whereas other cultures may not have the same sense of humor, and so not have anything funny to share. What causes amusement and laughter then, in a sense that can be shared, or is there any connection between laughter and something funny?

Humor and its effect on the brain has been studied extensively. There seems to be a genetic component to humor, meaning that we inherit it from our parents and it carries on through many generations. It is said that if your mother was a funny woman, then your son will also be a funny man. I believe that genetics are involved, but there are other factors, such as life experiences, that can contribute to a person becoming funny.

The physical attractiveness factor cannot be ignored when discussing funny people. Physical attractiveness is one factor, but it does not affect the ability to be funny, only the way in which you are perceived by others. This is not to say that there is no link between physical attractiveness and a sense of humour, just that there may be different ways in which humour is attained. While a woman with a beautiful body can be humorous, she does not necessarily need to have a sense of humour to achieve it, nor do men without facial features that could make them a potential target for a humorous bone. Men are generally perceived as being funnier, even if they do not have inherently funny bone structure.

In conclusion, there is a link between humour and physical attractiveness, but it is not the sort of link that you would typically associate with a quality of humour that would be described as being humorous. Physical appearance cannot be used as a yardstick by which humour can be measured. The definition of a funny person is someone who can be seen as having an impaired sense of humour or a lack of self-deprecating wit; not necessarily someone with a large chin and wide open eyes. So if there is something that makes you laugh, you might want to think about what it is that makes you laugh. If there is not something that makes you laugh, there may well be something that makes others laugh. For me, the answer to the question ‘Does humour affect me?’ | is that I am happy if I can keep up a session of witty banter with a complete stranger and if I have nothing in common with that person, there is nothing funny about me.

Traveling With Basketball


Traveling With Basketball

Traveling is the habitual movement of individuals between different distant geographic locations. Travel can generally be one way, either round trip or across, and is often done by foot, car, plane, train, bus, boat or other modes. The type of travel to be made will depend on the destination, the duration of the trip, the means of transportation available, and budget. There are three types of traveling, mainly categorized according to the mode of transportation used, as land, air, and water.

land traveling is when an individual travels from point A to point B. This can include traveling around or among countries, traveling within the borders of a country, traveling between countries, or traveling within a state or region. A pivot foot is when one’s feet stay on the floor as one travels. While a dribble is when one leaves the ground and travels over one’s own body in a diagonal motion.

Dribbling is often confused with traveling without dribbling. While a European-step is a common term for a traveling violation, “dribbling” is the official term for any kind of step that takes one’s feet off the ground while traveling. For example, a basketball player would be considered a “dribbler” if she or he lands on their stomach, without dribbling down. This type of moving violation is commonly called a “towel slip.” Other common types of traveling violations include jaunting (running out of bounds) and jumping.

Jaunting is when one’s feet are apart, but not necessarily touching, when moving from side to side. For example, a defender would take a defensive position, then assume an offensive position and take a dribble, turning into the ball handler. The defender must now assume an offensive position, taking a few steps back, turning back towards his or her original position, then taking a few more steps toward the basket. It is necessary to “pivot” or move into position once inside the perimeter of the court. A good offensive player should have an ability to pivot and avoid a potential fine.

Jumping refers to leaping from one foot to another in an attempt to get away from a defender. Many people think of leaping as using a two-leg technique. However, anyone can jump. A basic jumping technique is to use a very high leap, then landing on one leg. For example, if a defender is five feet away, a basketball player may use a two-leg technique: Take two quick steps, then land on one leg. If the defender is only four feet away, a more traditional jumping technique is used: Take one jump, land on the same leg, take two more jumps.

Whether jumping or dribbling is part of an offensive attack, offensive players can still be guilty of traveling when they are not playing within the rules. Traveling a minimum of one foot per step is called for under the current regulation of basketball. Therefore, if a player receives a traveling violation he or she must leave the game and don’t be eligible to play the next time until they clear the penalty box. The majority of NBA players follow the rules; however, they take pride in knowing that they don’t violate the rules while playing. And for the sake of fairness to other teams, players are forced to leave the court without receiving a penalty.

Why Families Take Vacation Holidays

A holiday is an allotted day set apart by law or custom where normal daily activities, particularly work or business, involving school or work are stopped or reduced for a specified period. In general, such holidays are meant to allow people to celebrate or commemorate something of particular social or cultural importance. There is no fixed time limit as to when such a holiday should be taken; instead, it is determined by a calendar that may vary from one country to another. Usually, the most common types of holidays include Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and New Year’s. These are followed by some other, less well-known national holidays.

The purpose of holidays is not only to pass the time but also to let people celebrate, at least in some way. A holiday may be dedicated to a family member who has died. On the other hand, it may also be a period of relaxation, comfort and introspection. Holidays provide for a time to spend with friends and family. During the holiday season, families can visit each other’s homes and share gifts.

The reasons for observing holidays vary across the world. In Europe, where Catholic and Christian traditions have prominent positions in the society, holidays are seen as a time to remember and remind loved ones of what happened to them during the past and their association with the present. In the United States, on the other hand, the government tends to promote a spirit of enjoyment and relaxation and so holidays are seen as a time for rest, relaxation and bonding. In general, however, there are few things that set aside holidays apart from the usual run of the mill holidays.

Holidays provide an opportunity for family members to spend quality time together. For instance, a bank holiday allows the family to go out for dinner, drive around in the neighborhood, go for picnics, and spend quality time together. Apart from that, a holiday vacation also allows a family to spend quality time away from routine life. When a person goes on a vacation, he wants to spend time away from the commotion of daily life and thus, it is believed that a holiday vacation is the best option for time away from routine life.

The popularity of vacations is on the rise these days. A person may choose to go on a holiday either for business or pleasure. When a person goes on a vacation, he wants to spend time away from all the business issues and he therefore opts for a public holiday. As far as a public holiday is concerned, people will have more holidays than usual because the office does not get over crowded. A public holiday also enables a person to have more holidays in a year as compared to other vacations. So, the best time for a family to go on a holiday vacation is during the Christmas holiday when the office is empty and most of the people are busy with the Christmas parties.

Another reason for a family going on a holiday vacation at this time is the Christmas tree and the home decorations. Christmas trees need to be decorated for the festive season. A person cannot place the Christmas tree in the garden if it does not look attractive and nice. The decoration of the Christmas tree ensures that the holiday season is a joyful time for the whole family.

The Importance of Humor in Relationships

The word “funny” is so widely used these days that it has practically become a part of everyday speech. Even when not spoken aloud, the meaning of the word is clear to most everyone. When a person is having a bad day, a funny quote or funny line might be the perfect thing to cheer them up. Many people even consider funny as synonymous with humorous and vulgar. It is only natural that humor is associated with laughter.

How does one find humorously wrong or funny? Incongruities are an interesting way to determine what is funny. Incongruities are when two or more similar things are found in a situation which would normally be expected to have completely opposite meanings. For example; an act of kindness and self sacrifice is considered funny when it is acted out against someone who considers such acts as immoral or disgusting. The same can be said for; a woman’s need to keep her hair up can be considered funny when it is presented against a man who shaves his eyebrows. The two types of incongruities are usually not seen to be mutually exclusive or even compatible.

The other way people find humorously offensive is through the use of other forms of ridicule. Humor results from the integration of different incompatible concepts or ideas into the presentation of the joke itself. This is commonly seen in children’s jokes where there is usually some sort of conflict between what the child thinks is funny and what others think is not so funny. Children are often the most flexible of anyone else in this regard. In fact children are capable of understanding and interpreting the difference between what is acceptable and what is not acceptable.

Adults, however, tend to be more resistant to humor when it is not presented as a conflict between what they consider to be acceptable and what is considered to be unacceptable. Incongruities are, therefore, often used by adults to poke fun at another person’s perceived inability to understand what is appropriate. While the adult may be aware that the concepts underlying the joke are absurd, he or she will still find the funny part as a way of mocking those concepts. Ironically, while the jokes may not have any underlying meaning, the implicit meaning is that the adult is making an effort to make the other person feel foolish.

An important example of the use of humor in human relationships is found in the relationship between husband and wife. On one level, it would seem that there would be no need for humor if life was like a sitcom, with every relationship in need of a funny scene. However, a closer examination of how married couples actually live shows that husband and wife take each other and their relationship seriously. Each individual in a married relationship takes the other as he or she is. A funny scene can easily break this cycle of seriousness.

The Internet provides many venues for sharing funny things. Websites that host “jokes” or “comedy” are an excellent place to start. You can also try forums and blogs dedicated to sharing humorous stories. In fact, if you Google “funny stories” you will likely find many sites dedicated to funny stories. If you do not have time to check out these sites, simply Google “joke.”

Preparing For Traveling To The Developed Countries

Traveling is the transport of individuals between far away geographical locations. Travel can often be done by automobile, bicycle, foot, plane, train, bus, boat, car or any other mode, with or without additional luggage, to and from various destinations. This type of transport is also used in many other ways in our daily lives, including for day to day living and even in sports. People choose to travel for a variety of reasons. They may want to visit another country, go on an extended vacation, discover a new city or get a new career. Whatever the reason for traveling, there are many options for transportation.

When traveling abroad (to a foreign country), the first option for travel is to board a plane, train or bus. This is often the best way to travel abroad, because it allows the traveler to get around the country quickly, taking in the sights and sounds as he or she goes. These forms of traveling are relatively safe, although there are always risks to visiting a new place. For example, you need to have valid passport documentation in order to leave the country, and it is important to follow instructions regarding vaccinations and other requirements accordingly.

If your purpose of traveling abroad is to visit a foreign country for business purposes, the next option for traveling is to rent a vehicle or even take a bus or car rental. It is important to remember that renting a vehicle is usually much more expensive than if you were to visit a hotel or participate in the many hospitality exchange services available throughout most of the world. These services are very helpful in getting an overview of the countries’ culture, currency exchange rates and other matters of interest. The downside of renting a vehicle is the limited amount of time you will be able to spend driving, so you should be prepared for the duration of the rental. You should also make sure that the vehicle you rent has air conditioning, a full tank, a steering wheel and a brake pedal.

If you are traveling for a long-term vacation, such as a two-week vacation or a six month vacation, it is best to have a solid financial investment in a passport and other travel documents. This way, should your stay in the foreign country be disrupted due to a lack of money or a language barrier, you will have a good travel history and should still be able to leave the country. The investment required for a passport generally ranges between three hundred and five hundred dollars. Passport applications generally take anywhere from thirty to ninety days to process before you can use it to leave the country.

If your purpose of traveling is to be part of an international home exchange, such as buying property or renting a home, you should have a solid grasp of at least some basic language prior to traveling. There are many home exchange opportunities throughout the world, including Spain, Italy, France and even Russia. Each country has its own unique language, and knowing a few basic words and phrases in either your host’s or foreign country’s language will help immensely during your stay. Spanish, French and Russian are the most common languages spoken around the world, but English should not be overlooked. Learning some basic English words before leaving on your trip will make your experience a smoother one, as well as help you navigate the many shops, services and amenities available in your new home. Your passport, if you do decide to get one, should be valid for at least a year; obtaining a one year pass to allow you to stay in your host country for the entire year is often the best option.

It should also be noted that developed countries like the United States requires you to have a green card in order to enter their territory without a visa. While the requirement may not seem important to you, it could potentially make it difficult to enter the United States, which could result in your detention. It would be a wise move to secure your passport ahead of time so that no matter where you go in the developed world, you are legally permitted to stay and work without the fear of getting denied entry because of a lack of a valid passport.

Holiday Traditions in the UK

A holiday is a designated day set apart by law or custom where normal everyday activities, particularly work or business involving education, are halted or reduced altogether. In general, public holidays are marked for reasons of national pride or celebration of some social importance. Holiday celebrations are widespread and widely appreciated throughout the world. There are numerous types of holidays celebrated in different countries. Some of the most popular worldwide are: New Year’s Day, Christmas (the traditional celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ), Good Friday, Easter, Mother’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Hanukkah (the celebration of twelve days followed by the bringing of the Torah).

In the United States, the most populous country and one of the most culturally diverse, there are several major religious holidays observed. Some of these, like Christmas and Valentine’s Day, mark special occasions with traditional feasts and carols; others, such as Saint Patrick’s Day, have religious significance and are focused on the celebration of the return of spring. Thanksgiving, the first Thursday in November, is considered the first “Feast” of the year, and many communities around the world observe this day with great joy and pride. All of these important religious holidays are celebrated in different ways in the US.

For Christians, one of the major religious holidays is Eid al-Fitr, which is on every year. It is celebrated in the month of Ramadan and millions of Muslims around the world commemorate it with various activities, feasting, and gifts. Eid al-Fitr is the final night of Ramadan and is highly celebrated in countries like Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Pakistan. The most common activities associated with Eid al-Fitr include fasting, shopping, family gatherings, picnics, poetry reading, chess, arts and crafts, dancing, singing, and other forms of recreation.

Some Christians view Christmas as a time away from God, but for many it is also a great time to spend time with loved ones, visiting with friends, and shopping. Christians enjoy all of these activities, which make it an incredibly popular holiday with families and others. A Bank holiday, on the other hand, is simply a holiday that is taken out of a bank. This holiday is completely tax free, and there are no work or other expenses. Many people believe that a Bank holiday gives you a chance to relax and unwind from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, while enjoying all of the perks that come along with a bank holiday.

While not all holidays are available across all of the UK’s banks, there are several which offer extremely wide ranging holiday deals. Some may even offer you the option of taking your holiday in the Highlands. Some of the most popular places to take holidays in the UK include parts of Scotland, like Inverness and Duncraig Castle, and parts of London, including Hyde Park and Bloomsbury. You may also choose to travel abroad in order to take part in religious holidays. In fact, almost all of the countries in Europe now have at least one place within their own continent which is designated solely for celebrating Christian holidays. There are some other holiday destinations which offer the option of celebrating in different denominations, like Jewish holidays, Hindu holidays, and even Muslim holidays.

Regardless of which holiday traditions you choose, you can find plenty of holiday traditions to suit you. Some traditions, such as the Christmas candle, remain consistent throughout the year. Others, such as the Yule log, changes depending on the time of year. Whatever holiday traditions you choose to follow, you can be sure that you will never be sorry that you chose to celebrate your holiday in style, whether you choose to visit one of the major parts of the UK or a tiny island in the Mediterranean.

Funny Games – Getting In The Mood


Funny Games – Getting In The Mood

In our culture today, the word “funny” can mean a lot of different things. But when it comes to funny games, they tend to fall into one of two categories: those that are explicitly funny games and those that are funny in a non-comedic sense–something that draws on the enjoyment of seeing people having fun, even if the object of their enjoyment is someone else. A third category that tends to get left out of this discussion is the phrase “funny games online.” These games may draw on different aspects of each of these other categories but, in essence, all of them fall under the larger umbrella of “games.”

A quick definition: The word “game” is used to refer to any activity that uses chance, interaction with others, and the application of skills in order to achieve a goal. It may sound like an incredibly broad and inclusive definition but it’s really only defining what kinds of activities we typically think of when we talk about games. For example, you might think of a game like solitaire as being a game, but if you’re playing it against someone who’s not actually trying to solve the problem or come up with strategies, it’s really not a game at all. Instead, it’s an interactive exercise where time isn’t on everyone’s side, but the player still has a goal in mind. And as such, it requires that the person playing it understand how to strategically use his or her time in order to attain the goal that’s been set before them.

That’s one way of looking at it: Funny games are those that require the player’s ability to think ahead and apply strategy. They’re also those that give the player a sense of triumph as they succeed in their objective. This is why there are jokes in games, because, well, it just sounds like another word for winning. If it didn’t have the word “joke” in it, then it would simply be a game that involves chance. We’ve come a long way since then.

When it comes to “hilarious” and “funny” games, however, we’ve definitely come a long way. There are now literally hundreds of games and programs available, many of which are free. Many are available as flash games (which means they work best with a web browser), while others can be downloaded for use on handheld game consoles like the PSP and Nintendo DS. The types of games range from the outright funny (think “arge” from Spongebob) to the more subtle jokes (think about the clever jokes seen in Sudoku, or the French maid jokes in MSN games). The variety can make it difficult to decide which games are best, but one title stands out: Solitaire: One Man’s Dream.

This game is a sequel to the classic game of Solitaire, and like the latter, it requires you to build up stacks of tiles by matching up pairs of cards. This time, though, the stacks of tiles are not sheep; they are moose! The funny thing is that you cannot see your sheep until you get them into play, so getting them is more like a guessing game. Once you have them, though, you can watch the ridiculous sight of the little moose passing you the cards, one by one, and deducing who among them is the culprit.

While some people might consider this a frivolous game, I cannot deny that it contains just about the purest form of humor. For me, this is an addictive quality that is hard to come by any more. In fact, this game has probably gotten me through some of my best chuckling experiences of late, and I’m sure it will help you laugh just as much. So, go check out the site if you happen to live in Canada (some English versions only); you won’t be disappointed. Or if you happen to be from the United States, try kicking back with Old MacDonald.

Tips For Better Driving – Practice Your Dribbling Techniques While Traveling on The Road

Traveling is the habitual movement of individuals between various geographical locations. Travel can either be one-way or round-trip, done by car, bicycle, foot, plane, train, bus, boat or other means and usually is one way to get there and back. For some people, traveling may include a tour or vacation. This article deals strictly with traveling by automobile.

One of the most common traveling violations is the violation of turning in an automobile while racing. A pivot foot is an illegal maneuver in which the vehicle beside is moved from the side of the road by the driver who is passing. It is usually called “dribble” because the person driving the automobile on which the person racing will typically “dribble” or “plop” their foot on the gas pedal instead of the brake.

Some of the popular “dribble” tricks include changing lanes very rapidly to get past another vehicle or rider, changing lanes when passing another vehicle and changing lanes again when you see someone moving into the lane next to you, even though it is not safe to do so. Another version of the “dribble” is “pivot foot”. A pivot foot is an illegal turn in which the driver who is turning will shift their weight to the inside of the turn and try to make the turn as wide as possible. The “pivot foot” often results in a traffic accident because the driver of another vehicle must be forced to absorb the momentum of the turn, along with the bumper weight. Some people are tempted to use their bumper to absorb the full brunt of the turn. Although this method works well on dry roads, it tends to cause problems on wet roads.

When traveling on the freeway, it is important to watch out for changing lanes. Some drivers who only glance at their right foot may decide to take three steps without dribbling. This is a dangerous practice that can result in an accident. If possible, use your right foot to take three steps without dribbling. If you must change lanes, do so slowly and deliberately. If you find yourself suddenly in a changing lane and can’t take three steps without slamming your heels on the floor, then it is advisable to pull over safely.

While practicing your driving skills, it is wise to spend more time practicing safe driving practices, such as watching YouTube videos on car safety, than practicing “dribbling”. Watching YouTube videos will help you understand what to do if you need to change lanes during a traveling process. Although many drivers do not realize that they should take care when changing lanes, watching the video will better understand why it is important to take precautionary measures while driving. In addition, YouTube videos will also show other drivers making the same mistakes, so you will have a better understanding of what to avoid doing when driving. You can also use these videos to practice your pivoting, because you can compare your own driving to those of others to see what is correct and what is wrong.

Many people, when driving down the road, make the mistake of backing up suddenly and unexpectedly. When driving, a driver should practice striking the gas pedal while remaining on the throttle. It is important to gather step taken with your left foot before applying the brake, to ensure that you will not damage your foot or legs in the event of an emergency stop. Although many people may not realize this move, you can use a YouTube video to better understand this move and the reason behind it.

What Every Person Ought to Know About Holidays


What Every Person Ought to Know About Holidays

A holiday is a period set aside by law or custom whereby normal daily activities, particularly work or school including church, are either suspended or significantly reduced. In most cases, such holidays are meant to let people to celebrate or commemorate some historical or cultural event or belief of personal or collective importance. Holidays are also associated with different social categories like annual holidays, statutory holidays, public holidays, etc. The earliest use of the term holiday comes from the Roman period in the second century BC. The first records of a holiday being celebrated were for the return of the kings from their campaigns. In those times, each region had its own name for a festival and people took a leave from their everyday routine to go to that particular place and celebrate the festival there.

In spite of being termed as a holiday, the meaning of the term varies from place to place. For instance in the United Kingdom, Holidays are generally referred to as England’s national holidays. On British National Holidays, people were free to go on state exercises, spend public money on food and drink, and participate actively in various community activities. On Non-Working Day, British citizens were allowed to remain in their homes and enjoy certain domestic amenities. The government also provides local authorities with funding for running public services during these national holidays.

In Canada, where the days are generally cooler and the weather remains dry, there are many traditional festivals celebrating things such as the harvest, thanks giving, and of course Canada’s national holidays. In general, however, Canada has four major holidays; Christmas, New Year’s, Thanksgiving, and Easter. On Christmas, houses are lighted and parties are held indoors; on New Year’s Eve Canada’s three main international music stars open their concerts in Toronto, and on Thanksgiving, families gather at a dinner table outside.

In some parts of the United States, and in particular on the Eastern seaboard, public holidays are regarded as occasions of social peace and good cheer. The history of public holidays in the United States is closely tied to the history of the nation itself. On the early colonial period, the colonists were accustomed to celebrating feast days with great feasts and barbecues, and they began to develop the traditions of public feasts and picnics. As these early settlers continued their travels and spread out over more of the country, the American holiday became known as Thanksgiving. This name was given to the holiday because of the great harvest that was gathered in the months of November and December, and it was common for Native Americans to gather near a small spring in the morning and celebrate a feast of corn and nuts, along with dancing and songs.

In addition to the traditional religious holidays, the United States has developed a wide range of non-traditional ones. These include family holidays, including Christmas, New Year’s, and Valentine’s Day; national holidays, such as Memorial Day and Flag Day; cultural holidays, such as Halloween and Hanukkah; sports-related holidays, such as Father’s Day and Easter; and educational holidays, such as T-day and National Teacher Appreciation Day. Many of the above-mentioned holidays have become nearly as established as the traditional ones, and each has its own unique history and customs. In recent years, however, many other kinds of holidays have begun to become popular, and these holidays include outdoor and indoor activities as well as various types of cookouts and parties. There are also now days when people choose to not celebrate one particular holiday, but to instead observe a string of holidays that are grouped together in what is referred to collectively as a “holidays” season.

Some of the most common types of holidays observed around the world are Christmas, which is followed by a flurry of shopping, decorating, cooking, and feasting; New Year’s, which features a massive fireworks display; Valentine’s Day, which traditionally includes romantic dinners and gifts; and the Bank Holiday, which is the last day of the year for pay-checks to be issued. In the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, the United States, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland, the Passover holiday is one that honors the Israelites who were freed by the Pharaoh as a punishment for their non-payment of the high arrears of the tithe, which the Pharaoh imposed on them as he was repaying the Israelites for their services in his war against the Egyptians. This also marks the beginning of the Lenten season. The United Kingdom also has a national holiday which commemorates St. Patrick, who was said to have come from Ireland. The first recorded celebration of St. Patrick’s day in Ireland took place during the tenth century, and began the tradition of celebrating St. Patrick’s Day throughout the rest of the world.

Why is Jokes Funny?

It’s always great to share and receive funny jokes. Jokes are a wonderful gift to share and laugh about with others. If you find yourself starting to laugh without even thinking about the person or persons who are right next to you, then you’re a true comedian! Laughing at things that you like can be quite fun.


When you enjoy the way a joke works on you, it’s obvious that there is an element of truth in the joke. Laughter brings tension and funny bone in your body. This creates a natural loosening of the throat muscles, which leads to laughter. When you are watching someone else’s performance at the comedy club, you may observe the way that their humor flows from one punch line to another. Or, you may catch yourself making some of your own funny comments while watching a friend do a skit.

You may wonder what the difference is between a good joke and a bad one. Often the difference lies in the delivery of the punch line. The joke may be funny, but if the delivery of the punchline doesn’t flow with the punch, then you are likely to find yourself rolling your eyes or shaking your head in irritation. Some of our favorite stand-up comedy routines have this inherent problem. Jerry Seinfeld’s famous joke about a woman who could always tell when her husband had sex with another woman can be considered funny because it’s an exaggeration of a real situation. But his delivery is confusing, which leads to his audience believing him to be making fun of the woman for reacting as he did.

How many times has someone told you that you looked funny, only to have them tell you afterward that you were being boring, or that you were being dishonest? Sometimes we don’t mean to make somebody feel inferior. We just have a hard time understanding why we find ourselves saying things that way. If you look at it another way, is it not just a matter of developing a natural humor or a little bit of irony? We all laugh at things that don’t make us happy. The ability to laugh at ourselves, and at the world in general, goes a long way towards eliminating the need for humor in everyday life.

When it comes to detecting whether a joke is funny or not, humor becomes more difficult to detect, or even recognize, after the fact. The tendency to look for incongruities or to read meaning into the situation is something that we do naturally. Even when the situation isn’t as ridiculous as it seems, our natural tendency is to look for some kind of sign to see if we were being humorous. However, after we’ve had a chance to properly digest and understand what we were trying to say, most people will tell you that there isn’t any intentional deception involved. This is where irony or the ability to “take the perspective” can become very important.

When you consider the fact that the vast majority of us only tend to notice incongruities when they strike up in a conversation, it becomes apparent that the “incongruity theory” doesn’t actually apply to all forms of humorous comments. The real test is whether or not your actual feelings about the situation are funny. Laughter is something that’s natural and universal, so the only thing that changes is the perception of the situation or the individual that’s being discussed. By observing how you react to something, you can easily determine whether or not it’s going to make you laugh or not. This doesn’t always involve a clever punch line; sometimes it’s a simple observation that the joke was funny.