Understanding The Art Of Funny


Understanding The Art Of Funny

The notion of the “funny guy” is a very funny one. If you were asked to define comedy, you could probably come up with something along the lines of “an incident that makes you laugh and then make you think ‘hilarious’ “. There is a certain type of humor that is known as “clever.” In other words, there is a level of wit that can be funny, when a situation is not as funny as it initially seems upon first glance. For instance, the guy who sells you the beer on the bus who just about drops his pants in front of you, as he is passing by; or the college student who throws his book across the room in laughter as he informs you that the professor is going to get mad.

There have been many attempts made to make humor research, but very little has been accomplished. Most humor derives from an emotional response. The ability to sense and convey emotions is known as emotion and laughter is the best way to tell if someone is having a good or bad day. Laughter is the best indicator of mood and even sleep patterns. But how does one go about studying the art of humor? There are several schools of thought on this topic and some of them might be better suited for your needs than others.

First, one must understand and analyze the things that make people laugh. Many times we observe others’ behavior and laugh at the things that they do, which causes us to feel good. This is the beginning of a fine technique known as observation and understanding.

Another school of thought on funny behavior looks at the incongruity between what is expected and what actually is. For instance, a joke told at a professional level would most likely to have a certain degree of truth and humor. But the truth of a joke cannot always be exposed and so the humor is lost. Thus, the goal would be to expose the incongruities, which results in a funny situation. The laughter then comes about as a natural response rather than as an act of gratification or repulsiveness.

A third school of thought looks at the social aspect of the act of humor. When we watch a funny video or watch an amusing television program, we enjoy the experience and the funny thing is that others do the same. Thus, we have what is known as social contagious. Once we start to laugh at another person’s misfortune or funny predicament, we share this experience with others and in so doing, bring others along with us in the process of sharing.

In conclusion, it appears that there are three main approaches to the study of the art of funny. Some refer to it as the incongruity theory, the observation method, and the sharing approach. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. The approach that you take should depend on your goals of finding funny things to laugh about.