Diet Tips For a Healthy Body


Diet Tips For a Healthy Body

In nutrition, the diet is simply the sum total of the food ingested by an organism or individual. It can also be defined as the amount of calories consumed. Diet is an important part of the balanced diet recommended by most health organizations. When it comes to weight loss, there are certain principles that you need to follow. You need to have a proper amount of carbohydrates, protein and fat in your daily diet.

A diet should contain around fifteen grams of carbohydrates each day. The carbohydrates should come in the form of bread, pasta, cereals, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and pasta sauce. These provide energy to our bodies and are the main source of food for the body. A diet with fifteen grams of carbohydrates should not exceed forty grams per day for women and thirty grams per day for men.

Dietary fat should be included in the diet in restricted amounts. Dietary fat helps us to lose weight because it makes us feel full. If we eat high levels of dietary fat, we tend to eat less of other food items. If we consume too much of dietary fat it could lead to bad health. The bad fat found in meats, dairy products and eggs increases the production of cholesterol. This will increase the level of triglycerides, which leads to increased levels of cholesterol in our blood stream.

An induction phase is normally used when on a diet. During this phase you reduce the amount of calories you intake or eat less of a particular food item. You achieve this by eating smaller portions of the food. The induction phase makes the body go into a starvation mode, which slows down the rate of fat absorption. Most experts recommend that a person should go on a diet for a minimum of three weeks.

Diets that consist of monounsaturated fats and carbohydrates provide the body with the energy that it needs. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are also beneficial to the body because they make up for the loss of some essential fats. Some of the main carbohydrates that should be included in your diet are oats, whole grain bread, potatoes, rice and cereals. In addition to these, nuts and seeds are also considered beneficial. It is best to avoid eating large amounts of meat, dairy and refined carbohydrates during your diet.

Experts advise against consuming margarine and other processed vegetable oils. Instead, eat natural unsaturated fats like olive oil. They also suggest avoiding dietary fat and opting for mono unsaturated fats instead. Eating oatmeal regularly is also advisable. Studies have shown that oatmeal actually lowers the level of blood cholesterol.