What is a Holiday?


A holiday is a day when most people do not work or attend school. These days are often dedicated to a particular event or person, usually a religious one. Many states recognize federal holidays, which are noted on calendars throughout the country. Holidays generally last one to ten days and are celebrated around the world. Holidays may be religious, cultural, or secular. The word “holiday” comes from the words “holy” and the word “day,” and originally referred to a religious festival.

In North America, the holiday season spans from Thanksgiving to the New Year. Thanksgiving marks the last day of the old year, while the New Year signals the beginning of a new one. Many people enjoy big parties and count down to the new year. Many people toast champagne with friends and family and kiss one another as the clock strikes midnight. Some people use the holiday to make New Year’s Resolutions, lists of things they want to do during the year ahead.

In East Asia, the major secular holiday is the Chinese New Year, also known as the Lunar New Year. Other nations celebrate other days that aren’t officially considered holidays, such as Arbor Day, Labor Day, and Earth Day. Unless stated otherwise, these examples are not representative of the views of Cambridge University Press or the editors of the Cambridge Dictionary. The use of other words to describe holidays is highly unofficial, and it is up to you to decide for yourself what’s best for your family.

Most countries have a national day, usually a historic event in the country’s history. Some countries, such as India, celebrate more than one, and may have several national days. The United Kingdom, however, does not have a national day. In Colombia, almost all religious holidays are observed on the Monday after the holiday. The most important factor to consider when determining when to celebrate a national holiday is the purpose of the holiday. Some nations also don’t want to make too many holidays, and may opt for a holiday that isn’t widely known but is important to its culture.

Public holidays can have a significant impact on businesses around the world. For example, summer school holidays in San Francisco may negatively affect hotels and accommodations in the area. In order to prepare for these days, businesses must monitor global school holidays to anticipate seasonal trends and prepare accordingly. Furthermore, these data can be used as inputs in forecasting models to improve accuracy. This data is particularly useful for businesses who operate on the international market. If you’re a sitter, consider incorporating it into your existing public holiday tracking.

In Maine, paid holidays are defined by the employee-employer agreement. Holiday pay is not guaranteed by law, but many employers have chosen to honor employees’ contributions to their companies by providing paid time off on federal holidays. Some even reward employees with double pay for working on these days. If you are curious about your rights as an employee, a legal professional can help you make the right decisions for your future. They can help you navigate the complex waters of holiday pay.